

author 2024-11-21 44人围观 ,发现9个评论

据 Coinglass 数据显示,若比特币突破 73,777 美元创历史新高,主流 CEX 累计空单清算强度将达 12.86 亿;反之,若跌破 7 万美元,主流 CEX 累计多单清算强度将达 18.15 亿。这预示着比特币即将迎来多空决战,市场波动将更加剧烈。个人倾向于先跌后涨,因为本轮大涨已让散户情绪高涨,近期区间震荡实质上是在吸筹,等待散户进场。虽然 73000-72500 区域也有大量空单建仓,但底部上来的多头筹码更多。距离大选还有几天,市场会呈现出“买预期,卖事实”的现象,因此接下来的行情波动将格外剧烈,甚至伴随洗盘的极端走势。在此提醒各位,一定要控制好风险!

  • 2024-11-22 03:49:48

    Thanks for the heads-up on potential liquidation levels and market sentiment. Interesting analysis of the upcoming price action.

  • 2024-11-22 05:34:36

    Thanks for the heads-up on potential liquidation levels! Sounds like high volatility ahead. Will definitely proceed with caution.

  • 2024-11-24 01:11:32

    Thanks for the insightful analysis! The potential for massive liquidations on either side highlights the significant risk involved. I'll be extra cautious in the coming days.

  • 2024-11-25 21:24:31

    Thanks for the heads-up! Sounds like a volatile period ahead. Will definitely be keeping an eye on the $70k level.

  • 2024-11-25 23:30:24

    Thanks for the heads-up on the potential volatility around the $70k mark for Bitcoin! Interesting analysis of the upcoming election's impact.

  • 2024-11-26 12:30:23

    Thanks for the insightful analysis! The data on potential liquidations is particularly helpful. Will be watching closely for increased volatility.

  • 2024-11-26 21:57:16

    Thanks for the heads-up on potential liquidation levels! Intense volatility ahead, makes me think twice before entering any big positions right now.

  • 2024-11-27 13:45:36

    Thanks for the heads-up on potential liquidation levels! Interesting analysis on the pre-election market dynamics. Will definitely be cautious.

  • 2024-12-05 16:12:00

    Thanks for the heads-up on potential market volatility! Interesting analysis of the leverage positions.

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